Take a look to the -where option in ogr2ogr. It does more or less the same, although coding it gives much more flexibility.
Original post
Playing with some files I found that I didn't know how to get only the features in a vectorial file fitting some condition.So I made a little script.
You can find it at GitHub for download, or take a look at the code:
''' Writes an ogr file from an input file, filtering the content Roger Veciana, 23/mar/2013 ''' from osgeo import ogr from os.path import exists from os.path import basename from os.path import splitext from os import remove import sys def extract(in_file, out_file, filter_field, filter_values): ''' Opens the input file, copies it into the oputput file, checking the filter. ''' print "Extracting data" in_ds = ogr.Open( in_file ) if in_ds is None: print "Open failed.\n" sys.exit( 1 ) in_lyr = in_ds.GetLayerByName( splitext(basename(in_file))[0] ) if in_lyr is None: print "Error opening layer" sys.exit( 1 ) ##Creating the output file, with its projection if exists(out_file): remove(out_file) driver_name = "ESRI Shapefile" drv = ogr.GetDriverByName( driver_name ) if drv is None: print "%s driver not available.\n" % driver_name sys.exit( 1 ) out_ds = drv.CreateDataSource( out_file ) if out_ds is None: print "Creation of output file failed.\n" sys.exit( 1 ) proj = in_lyr.GetSpatialRef() ##Creating the layer with its fields out_lyr = out_ds.CreateLayer( splitext(basename(out_file))[0], proj, ogr.wkbMultiPolygon ) lyr_def = in_lyr.GetLayerDefn () for i in range(lyr_def.GetFieldCount()): out_lyr.CreateField ( lyr_def.GetFieldDefn(i) ) ##Writing all the features in_lyr.ResetReading() for feat in in_lyr: value = feat.GetFieldAsString(feat.GetFieldIndex(filter_field)) if filter_func(value, filter_values): out_lyr.CreateFeature(feat) in_ds = None out_ds = None def filter_func(value, filter_values): ''' The custom filter function. In this case, we check that the value is in the value list, stripping the white spaces. In the case of numeric values, a comparaison could be done ''' if value.strip() in filter_values: return True else: return False if __name__ == '__main__': extract('./recintos_etrs89.shp', './municipis.shp', 'provincia', ('8', '25', '17', '43'))
The data I have used is from the CNIG, downloading the file LINEAS LIMITES MUNICIPALES. The file contains all the Spanish municipalities. The script will write the output file using the input data that matches as condition that the field provincia is one of the values 8, 25, 17 or 43, corresponding to the Catalan provinces.
How does the script works:
- The main method just calls the function extract. (filter is a reserved name for python, so I haven't used it here)
- The function opens the input file, and creates the output file with the same projection.
- Then, at line 42, the first layer of the input file is replicated at the output file. This should be changed if more than one layer exists.
- At line 50, for each feature in the input layer, the filter function filter_func is applied, and if the result is true, the feature is written in the ouput file.
- The filter function can be changed depending of the needs (comparing numbers, strings, or whatever). In this case, the white spaces are stripped (if not, some leading spaces that come with the file make the comparison fail), and then, the strings are compared. Quite simple.
Thanks for sharing. This is awesome and made my day.
ReplyDeleteI am developing some code for England maps. It works! Just a note: at line 75 put './recintos_etrs89.shp' instead of './recintos_ETRS89.shp' to make it working with your shapefile.
Thank you!
DeleteNow it should work properly.
Hello, it's Jacopo again. I am working with Virtualenv on the current project and I have encountered some difficulties in getting the library 'ogr' working with Virtualenv. Then I have found out about Fiona, that seems to be much more straight forward (it has a much clearer API too!), and wrote up a little script that does the same as your code. You can check it out here:
The post is very helpful to me. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteBut after exporting a subset of features into a new shapefile, it seems that the extent is not updated. Do you have any idea?