Monday, June 3, 2013

GDAL performance: raster classification using NumPy

I wrote some time ago two posts about raster classification and how to colorize a raster using GDAL. Both examples work well, but they are terribly inefficient and won't process a really big raster.
In this post, I'll show how to work properly with rasters, specially with big rasters or when the processing time matters, such as on the fly raster generation processes.
Before continuing, I recommend to read this course about Geoprocessing by Chris Garrard, that helped me a lot.

The classified raster seen on QGIS
As usual, you can find all the code at GitHub

The original code

To learn about the major errors in my former posts, the best is to look at the code:
#! /usr/bin/python

#Change the value with your raster filename here
raster_file = 'w001001.adf'
output_file = 'classified.tiff'

classification_values = [0,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000] #The interval values to classify
classification_output_values = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90] #The value assigned to each interval

from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo.gdalconst import *
import numpy
import struct

#Opening the raster file
dataset = gdal.Open(raster_file, GA_ReadOnly )
band = dataset.GetRasterBand(1)
#Reading the raster properties
projectionfrom = dataset.GetProjection()
geotransform = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
xsize = band.XSize
ysize = band.YSize
datatype = band.DataType

#Reading the raster values
values = band.ReadRaster( 0, 0, xsize, ysize, xsize, ysize, datatype )
#Conversion between GDAL types and python pack types (Can't use complex integer or float!!)
data_types ={'Byte':'B','UInt16':'H','Int16':'h','UInt32':'I','Int32':'i','Float32':'f','Float64':'d'}
values = struct.unpack(data_types[gdal.GetDataTypeName(band.DataType)]*xsize*ysize,values)

#Now that the raster is into an array, let's classify it
out_str = ''
for value in values:
    index = 0
    for cl_value in classification_values:
        if value <= cl_value:
            out_str = out_str + struct.pack('B',classification_output_values[index])
        index = index + 1
#Once classified, write the output raster
#In the example, it's not possible to use the same output format than the input file, because GDAL is not able to write this file format. Geotiff will be used instead
gtiff = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') 
output_dataset = gtiff.Create(output_file, xsize, ysize, 4)

output_dataset.GetRasterBand(1).WriteRaster( 0, 0, xsize, ysize, out_str ) 
output_dataset = None
  1. Reading the raster without using the ReadAsArray function (lines 26 to 29). Is more inefficient and really more complicated.
  2. Iterating pixel by pixel to calculate the classified values instead of doing it at once using the NumPy arrays capabilities.
  3. Classifying all the possible values, instead of looking for the maximum and minimum values of the raster and classify it only in this interval
  4. Not reading the raster by block size, which is much more efficient in big rasters, and indispensable for the really big ones.
I'll explain how to change that point by point.

New code

The following code has all the changes together, but at the GitHub you can find different versions applying them one by one:

import numpy
from numpy import zeros
from numpy import logical_and
from osgeo import gdal

classification_values = [0,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000,5500,6000,6500,7000,7500,8000] #The interval values to classify  
classification_output_values = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170] #The value assigned to each interval  
in_file = "YourInputFileHere.tif"

ds = gdal.Open(in_file)
band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)

block_sizes = band.GetBlockSize()
x_block_size = block_sizes[0]
y_block_size = block_sizes[1]

xsize = band.XSize
ysize = band.YSize

max_value = band.GetMaximum()
min_value = band.GetMinimum()

if max_value == None or min_value == None:
    stats = band.GetStatistics(0, 1)
    max_value = stats[1]
    min_value = stats[0]

format = "GTiff"
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( format )
dst_ds = driver.Create("original_blocks.tif", xsize, ysize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte )

for i in range(0, ysize, y_block_size):
    if i + y_block_size < ysize:
        rows = y_block_size
        rows = ysize - i
    for j in range(0, xsize, x_block_size):
        if j + x_block_size < xsize:
            cols = x_block_size
            cols = xsize - j

        data = band.ReadAsArray(j, i, cols, rows)
        r = zeros((rows, cols), numpy.uint8)

        for k in range(len(classification_values) - 1):
            if classification_values[k] <= max_value and (classification_values[k + 1] > min_value ):
                r = r + classification_output_values[k] * logical_and(data >= classification_values[k], data < classification_values[k + 1])
        if classification_values[k + 1] < max_value:
            r = r + classification_output_values[k+1] * (data >= classification_values[k + 1])


dst_ds = None

  1. At line 46, you can see how ReadAsArray works. No conversion to NumPy array has to be done, and no types are needed to be specified. The example works using blocks, but you can read the whole array just by changing the parameters to ReadAsArray (0, 0, xsize, ysize).
  2. This is the main change.
    1. At line 47, an empty array is created, specifying that the output will be an array of unsigned bytes (the most efficient for classifications up to 256 values)
    2. For every possible value in the classification (line 49), the input raster is evaluated, using the NumPy function logical_and. This creates an array with a boolean value set to true for each pixel that meets the condition. Then, the array is multiplied to the output classification value and added to the output array.
      When this is done for each value in the scale, the output classified raster is get.
    3. To see better how to do it, take a look at the file, since working by blocks makes things a bit more difficult to understand.
  3. At lines 21 to 27, the maximum and minimum values are calculated. Note the if block. Some formats store these values, and others, like GeoTIFF, don't. But GDAL can calculate them, and stores the values in a file with the extension .aux.xml, so the next time the calculation is not needed.
    All this takes a time, but then, at line 50, the if can be done, and the process improves a lot if there are many values to classify out of the image range.

Performance improvements

To see how does the new code affect the performance I needed bigger rasters than at the old example. The example files I have downloaded are from the CGIAR SRTM elevation data. I have chosen a region from the Himalaya (srtm_54_05.tif).

The results for this file are:
  1.  2m22.047s
  2.  0m32.359s
  3.  0m17.900s
  4. 0m14.223s

to test the time I ahve just run the script with using time:
time python

So the biggest improvement comes from using NumPy arrays instead of reading the file pixel by pixel.  Then, using blocks instead of reading the whole array, also improves the performance more than a 40%, since the file is quite big (69MB)
Using the maximum and minimum can change the efficiency depending of the raster range.

But to see the importance of using blocks, I have merged four images from the same source, using: -o big.tiff srtm*.tif

So the resulting GeoTIFF is 275MB, too big for my old computer to read it at once. The results are:
  1. 4m41.438s + Memory Error
  2.  1m5.858s + Memory Error
  3. 1m11.053s
  4. 0m50.891s
As you can see, not reading by block can make the script crash, so if you can have big files, it's mandatory.
And using all the improvements, the time is still less than the half it lasted the original script to process a raster 75% smaller!

Next post, I will explain how to colour the rasters using color tables or SciPy  to generate PNG ths fast way.


  1. I have found that combining gdalbuildvrt and gdal_translate is much better for performance when merging the blocks back together then It also avoids the memory problems that has. The only downside is that it adds an extra step (albeit a short and simple one).
    e.g. instead of " -o big.tiff srtm*.tif" use the following two lines:
    gdalbuildvrt srtm*.tif big.vrt
    gdal_translate -of GTiff big.vrt big.tif

    I have been curious about the different types of rasters and their comparative read/write speeds for the intermediate steps (with gdal), have you used anything apart from GeoTIFFs for processing? I am working with 60GB compressed GeoTIFFs at the moment.

  2. Hi mr Franklin :)

    I have tested the scripts in several formats, but not with files as big as 60GB. The performance can change depending of the format, since each driver implements the rading block in a different way. GeoTIFF uses one line for each block, but you can define blocks of other sizes, let's say 256x256 pixels in the driver. The original example uses data from the usgs in AIG/Arc/Info Binary Grid, that uses 4 lines as a block. The driver that writes the output file can affect the result too for the same reasons, of course.

  3. Hi,

    I am testing your code and it works like a charm. I have only one question: How to get negaitve output values. Whatever I am trying, a negative value in the classification_output_values results in a zero on the output .tif.

    I guess the problem lies here

    r = r + classification_output_values[k] * logical_and(data >= classification_values[k], data < classification_values[k + 1])

    but I don't understand why a multiplication of a negative value and True results in zero. I am not a python expert so I am asking you for help.


  4. Hi Benjamin,

    I'm not at home now, so I can't test the code, but a negative number multiplied by True should give the negative value, since True acts as 1.
    Maybe the problem is when using Numpy. I'll take a look, sorry for the delay.


    1. Hi Roger,

      I got it now. Of course python calculated the correct numbers, the problem was the GDAL Create(). The last argument is a GDALDataType which was set to eight bit unsigned integer. Changing it to sixteen bit signed integer did the trick for me.
      So the changed line of code is:

      dst_ds = driver.Create("original_blocks.tif", xsize, ysize, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16 )

      to be sure I also altered the numpy.zeros creation to (which in fact had no influence, but to be sure):

      r = zeros((rows, cols), numpy.int16)

      Thanks again for the classification code!

  5. Hello, I'm from Brazil and I'm starting studies with GDAL and python, created the following scritp to qgis for NDVI classification on a raster

    This code works correctly for small images

    The problem happens with memory error when I try to process large raster

    This is very important to me, did not quite understand the logic of the code that you have implemented, I tried to adapt your code in my code, but I did not succeed.

    Could you help me create a code that performs the same function that I developed, only for large raster?

    thank you so much

    ##NDVI=output raster

    import numpy as np
    from osgeo import gdal
    from numpy import *

    entrada = gdal.Open(Raster_de_entrada)
    canalr = entrada.GetRasterBand(1)
    bandar = canalr.ReadAsArray()
    canalg = entrada.GetRasterBand(2)
    bandag = canalg.ReadAsArray()

    # Inicio do calculo NDVI para imagens RGB
    # NDVI = (G - R) / (G + R)

    bandag = array(bandag, dtype = float)
    bandar = array(bandar, dtype = float)

    var1 = subtract(bandag, bandar)
    var2 = add(bandag, bandar)

    ndvi = divide(var1,var2)
    ndvi = ndvi*255

    geo = entrada.GetGeoTransform()
    proj = entrada.GetProjection()
    shape = bandar.shape

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
    dst_ds = driver.Create(NDVI, shape[1], shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, ['TFW=YES', \

    dst_ds.SetGeoTransform( geo )
    dst_ds.SetProjection( proj )

    stat = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(1,1)
    dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetStatistics(stat[0], stat[1], stat[2], stat[3])

    1. Hi Flash,

      I think that the main calculation you want to do is:
      NDVI = (G - R) / (G + R)
      So it's a good candidate to be used as in the post, since the result that you want depends only on the pixel values for each band (doesn't depens on neighbour pixels, for instance).
      Look at the post's code from the lnie 35 to 46. Instead of reading all the band at once as you did bandar = canalr.ReadAsArray() , you can read it by block. You should do it for the green and red bands:

      data_r = canalr.ReadAsArray(j, i, cols, rows)
      data_g = canalg.ReadAsArray(j, i, cols, rows)

      Then, do the calculation (by the way, you are doing it in a not-numpy style!):

      ndvi = (data_g - data_r) / (data_g + data_r)

      And you will have the result for this block. Now, you have to write it at the output file, as in my line 55:

      This should increase the performance a lot.
      I hope this helps a little.


  6. Hello,

    Thanks for your work which is very useful to reclass rasters and which learnt me a lot about the use of blocks. However, I think line 44 should be cols = xsize - j, shouldn't it ?

    But if I'm not wrong no one noticed this ine the previous post. A question raises : is there something I don't understand ?

    1. Thank you Huges.

      I think that the code is correct. If the number of columns is smaller than the block size, we read all the columns at once (xsize).
      When reading the data at line 46, we use
      data = band.ReadAsArray(j, i, cols, rows)
      that reads from j to cols. If the j + block size is less than the xsize, we will read from j to xsize, which is correct.

      I hope that the explanation is clear

    2. Hi,

      Thanks for your answer. Your explanation is very clear but there's still something I don't understand. Before I understood that ReadAsArray allows us to give an offset and then extract the given number of pixels. We were not extracting from pixel n to x but x pixels from the n one.

      That is how I understood your first statement for rows at line 39. In my own script if I don't add "-j" to xsize to extract the last col's pixels it throws an error:
      ERROR 5: band 1: Access window out of range in RasterIO(). Requested (9728,0) of size 9961x256 on raster of 9961x13081.

    3. Hi,

      You are right. The docs say that the first two parameters are the offset, and then the size to read:
      Then, I don't understand what's happening! I swear it worked :)
      I'm sorry I don't have many time these days, but I'll post the answer as soon as I can.

    4. Well, finally, you were wight, Hughes, the line 44 should be cols = xsize - j
      I'll change the post so it's correct.
      Thanks a lot

    5. As you can see it has also taken me sometimes to answer. I'm happy if I could help to improve your work ! Thanks for sharing.

      However, there's something else I don't understand at line 53. We're just going out the (for) loop and we want to test the last old value at index k+1. Why do you set these pixels to the new value of index k ?

    6. Hi again. I don't remember why I put this value, but your comment seems right. If the value is over the index k value, the output classification should be the k+1 index.
      Thank you again for the comment!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Roger,

    after using your code for a while I found possible problems with the max_value.
    In my specific setup I use the classification for a large number of files. They do not always fill the complete range of classification_values, which normally is not problem. Recently I had a file where the max_value was exactly one of my classification values which lead to a 0 after the reclassification.
    So I propose to change line 50 to:
    if classification_values[k] <= max_value and (classification_values[k + 1] > min_value ):

  9. Hi Benjamin,

    You are right, there is a bug here. I'll change it when I have a moment!
    I'm happy to know that somebody us using it.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Roger,
    I've tried to use your code to calculate distance for the centroid of each grid cell (10000x10000) to one point and unfortunately I didn't manage to do it using the "block method".
    I don't really understand how to get each centroid coordinates using blocks?
    Do you think it is possible ?


    1. Hi,

      I don't understand your question. You want the distance from each cell (or pixel) to where?

      The block method is transparent. You just have to take the correct pixels at the same time so the underlaying GDAL library can use only one of the blocks. But the distance will depend on the x and y positions in the same way

  12. Hi, I am tring to use your code to read my big raster image about 8gb. May be I am doing something wrong. I do not need primarily any classification. I just want to get return the original raster values in the array. But it iy showing all values are only Zer. Could you kindly check my code where i did mistakes.
    my code is here:
    import numpy
    from numpy import zeros
    from numpy import logical_and
    from osgeo import gdal
    #import struct

    in_file = r"F:\Geodaten\Eigene\Luftbild\Orthobilder\20120502\Aschhorn_mosaik.jpg"
    ds = gdal.Open(in_file)
    band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
    # Get "natural" block size, and total raster XY size.
    block_sizes = band.GetBlockSize()
    x_block_size = block_sizes[0]
    y_block_size = block_sizes[1]
    xsize = band.XSize
    ysize = band.YSize

    format = "GTiff"
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( format )
    dst_ds = driver.Create("original_blocks.tif", xsize, ysize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte )


    # Function to read the raster as arrays for the chosen block size.
    def read_raster(x_block_size, y_block_size):
    raster = r"F:\Geodaten\Eigene\Luftbild\Orthobilder\20120502\Aschhorn_mosaik.jpg"
    ds = gdal.Open(raster)
    band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
    xsize = band.XSize
    ysize = band.YSize
    blocks = 0
    for y in xrange(0, ysize, y_block_size):
    if y + y_block_size < ysize:
    rows = y_block_size
    rows = ysize - y
    for x in xrange(0, xsize, x_block_size):
    if x + x_block_size < xsize:
    cols = x_block_size
    cols = xsize - x
    array = band.ReadAsArray(x, y, cols, rows)
    print array
    del array
    blocks += 1
    band = None
    ds = None

    read_raster(x_block_size, y_block_size)
    band = None
    ds = None
    dst_ds = None

  13. Hi,
    Does your file Aschhorn_mosaik.jpg have a worldfile? I think that adding a projection to a jpeg file is not possible. You shoud create it yourself and change the line

    1. I have created a output image that is "GTiff" and I am trying to write the array. But my result is showing an empty image with only o values. Is it possible to write array to destination raster block wise? if yes why it is showing no value on it? I am trying it for last three day. It worked with smaller raster for write array but this case it is showing empty or I show save the destination raster to get the result. It is really hard for me to understand for me because I am no a programer.

    2. It worked out. Thanks a lot for tips

  14. Hi,
    I am new to this , can you help me please . Here the link and I wanted to get all the records into a DB ( )

    If you can help me that would be a great
